Mined Land Reclamation Act
Under the Mined Land Reclamation Act, the Mined Land Reclamation Board and the Minerals Program issue and enforce mining and reclamation permits for all non-coal mines in Colorado on state, federal, and private lands.
The Minerals program operates under two Acts, the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Act and the Colorado Land Reclamation Act for the Extraction of Construction Materials.
The mining industry and support industries are a major economic base within the State of Colorado. There are over 1,700 active mineral operations in Colorado. In addition, many mining operations generate royalty payments to the state when mining activities occur on state lands.
In order to carry out the statutory requirements of the Mined Land Reclamation Act, the Minerals staff (23 FTE) reviews new mine permit applications, amendments, and technical revisions to permits, permit transfers, notices of temporary cessation, and annual reports, responds to inquiries and holds discussions with the general public, industry, environmental groups, and media and works with local, state, and federal government agencies. Staff also inspects active mine sites, reviews prospecting sites and ensures financial warranties are posted for the actual cost of reclamation.

Report a Possible Violation or Illegal Activity
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