DRMS Social Media

The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety welcomes open discussion on social media. However, we ask that you keep your comments and posts civil, maintaining a family friendly environment. We ask that you follow our posting guidelines. It is at the discretion of the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety to remove inappropriate content, and to remove and ban repeat offenders. 

Posting Guidelines: 

Graphic, obscene, explicit, or discriminatory comments will not be tolerated. We do not allow comments that are abusive, hateful or intended to defame others or any organization.

Solicitations or advertisements are not allowed. This includes promotion or endorsement of any commercial non-government agency.

We do not allow comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity.

You engage with the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety social media accounts at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments or any information provided.

The appearance of external links on the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety social media channels does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of the Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety.  

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