Inactive Mine Reclamation Program FAQs

Please follow the procedure outlined in the Subsidence Above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner booklet.

If someone is injured on an abandoned mine contact your city or county safety department/fire department and/or 911. Also contact The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) at 303-866-3567.

Once the feature is identified by AML Staff it must be included in a grant and obtain clearance for cultural/historical and impacts to biological resources such as Threatened and Endangered species and critical bat habitat. The process can take a minimum of two years before a mine closure is scheduled for safeguarding.

Abandoned mines are hazardous and should not be explored. The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety safeguards abandoned mines to keep people out. If you are aware of an abandoned mine, provide the Division with a written request including the description of the mine, location (include GPS coordinates or Township, Section and Range), a detailed map showing how to access the mine and contact information. Once this information is received the Division AML Staff will inspect the property. Inspection times are contingent on weather conditions and staff priorities.

Claim ownership maps can be reviewed at the County Assessor's Office or at the Bureau of Land Management. Accurate mine location (such as GPS data) and claim corners are helpful to determine if a mine falls on a particular claim. More information can be found on the BLM Land Records web page.