
Photo of Cresson Mine highwall face showing benches and total depth.
Photo of Seven Mile Jeep Trail, near minesites mitigated by IMRP.
Photo of aspen grove in Fall season

Active Mines Program

The Active Mines Program issues reclamation permits from either the Minerals Regulatory Program or the Coal Regulatory Program. Together, these two programs regulate mining and reclamation activities at coal, metal, aggregate and other minerals mines. Their primary objective is to review mining and reclamation permit applications and to inspect mining operations to make sure that reclamation plans are being followed.  The Mine Safety and Training Program provides safety training for mine operators and employees.

Inactive Mine Reclamation Program

The Inactive Mine Reclamation Program reclaims and safeguards abandoned mine sites that are dangerous and create environmental or safety hazards.


The division's activities are overseen by the seven-member Mined Land Reclamation Board and the four-member Coal Mine Board of Examiners.