General Questions
The current MLRB Agenda can be viewed on the MLRB web page. The MLRB Board Secretary can be reached at 303-866-3567 ext. 8136.
Please call us (303-866-3567) prior to your visit to arrange a consultation appointment with DRMS staff.
Colorado State Archives is located at 1313 Sherman Street, First Floor, Denver, CO 80203-2274. Phone number: 303-866-2358
Please contact the county clerk and recorders office for the county in which the property is located.
The Colorado Geological Survey can help you with this. Please call 303-866-2611 ext. 8321. DRMS maintains a map of all DRMS permitted sites in the state.
We do not have a record of all existing mines in the state or the nation. We only have information on permitted mines in the state, available on the Reports and Data tab of our website. For a list of all the mines in the state, contact the Colorado Mining Association located at 216 16th St # 1250 Denver, CO 80202. Phone: (303) 575-9199. For a list of all the mines in the U.S. contact the National Mining Association at 101 Constitution Ave. NW, Suite 500 East, Washington, D.C. 20001, Phone: (202) 463-2600.
Patented Mining Claim: A patented mining claim is one for which the Federal Government has passed its title to the claimant, making it private land. A person may mine and remove minerals from a mining claim without a mineral patent. However, a mineral patent gives the owner exclusive title to the locatable minerals. It also gives the owner title to the surface and other resources.
Unpatented Mining Claim: An unpatented mining claim is a particular parcel of Federal land, valuable for a specific mineral deposit or deposits. It is a parcel for which and individual has asserted a right of possession. The right is restricted to the extraction and development of a mineral deposit.
More information can be obtained from the BLM.
No. The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission issues permits for oil and gas extraction.
Inactive Mines Program
Once the feature is identified by our Inactive Mines Reclamation Program staff it must be included in a grant and obtain clearance for cultural/historical and impacts to biological resources such as Threatened and Endangered species and critical bat habitat. The process takes a minimum of two years before a mine closure is scheduled for safeguarding.
If someone is injured on an abandoned mine contact your city or county safety department/fire department and/or 911. Then contact The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety (DRMS) at 303-866-3567.
Please follow the procedure outlined in the Subsidence Above Inactive Coal Mines: Information for the Homeowner booklet.
Please contact our Inactive Mines Reclamation Program at 303-866-3567 ext. 8133.
Abandoned mines are hazardous and should not be explored. The Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety safeguards abandoned mines to keep people out. If you are aware of an abandoned mine, contact the Division in writing with the description of the mine, location (include GPS coordinates or Township, Section and Range), and a detailed map showing how to access the mine and contact information. Once this information is received, the Division Inactive Mines Reclamation Program staff will inspect the property. Inspection times are contingent on weather conditions and staff priorities.
Claim ownership maps can be reviewed at the County Assessor's Office or at the Bureau of Land Management. Accurate mine location (such as GPS data) and claim corners are helpful to determine if a mine falls on a particular claim. More information can be found on the BLM web page.
Minerals Program
You can search our database for general information about permitted sites, and view electronic documents for all active permitted sites.
DRMS does not handle mining claims. If the mining claim is on State Land, call the Colorado State Land Board at 303-866-3454. If the claim is on Federal Land, contact the US Bureau of Land Management 303-239-3600. If the claim is on private land, contact the county clerk &, recorders office where the property is located.
The State Land Board (303-866-3454) maintains only State owned properties and does not maintain records for fee (private) or federal lands. For fee property, contact the county clerk &, recorders office where the property is located. For federal lands, contact the Bureau of Land Management at 303-239-3600
Please review our "Is it Mining" document which lists guidelines to help determine whether a permit is needed.
In order for the Division to determine if a Reclamation Permit is required, you must complete and submit the "Is it Mining" document.
The annual fee is due on the date the permit was issued, also known as the anniversary date. Annual reports, maps and fees are submitted electronically using our ePermitting portal.
Please see Rule 4.17 of either the Construction Materials Rules or the Hard Rock Rules for information on the release of Performance and Financial Warranties.
Please use the Division's Complaint Intake Form to file a complaint about a Minerals mining or prospecting operation. For Coal mining or exploration operations, call the Division at 303-866-3567.
DRMS maintains electronic copies of all documents associated with active permitted sites.
View available revision forms on the Division's Forms page.
Mine Safety and Training Program
As of November 2003, the Division no longer issues permits for the handling, storage or use of explosives. Please contact the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms &, Explosives in Denver at 303-844-7549.
The Mine Safety and Training Program has primacy in testing and issuing coal mine official certifications in Colorado, please contact our program assistant at 303-866-3567 x 8123.
Please contact the Mine Safety and Training Program Manager at 303-866-3567, ext. 8151. You can also review the Regulations of the Mine Safety and Training Program for Tourist Mines.